5th Dan Judo (BBK) 3rd Dan Technical Judo (BJA) and 3rd Dan Goshin Ju Jitsu (BBK)
IBC International Referee
TJK Head Sensei, Bushido Bristol Head Sensei, BBK Director of Judo, BBK Executive Director
07494 255651 stevechappell@torajudo.org

I started Judo in 1983 aged 7 with my brother Andy aged 5 (an excellent Judoka in his own right) at Bushido Bristol held at the Robin Cousins Sports Centre. This Club was run by the late Bob Bridges (7th Dan Judo, 7th Dan Goshin Jitsu). This also marked the return to Judo for my Dad, Dave Chappell (5th Dan Kyoshi Judo) founder of Tora Judo Kai (1994) and President of Bushido Budo Kai (2010).
In 2002 I was asked to take on Bushido Bristol when Sensei Bridges retired, I also took on the running of Tora Judo Kai in 2006 when my Dad decided to take a short break from active Judo.
In 2008 a chance meeting with Ian Llewellin (3rd Dan Judo) one of Sensei Bridges’s longest standing students who had been running his own club in Easton Sports centre, sparked the merger of our clubs. In 2009 we realised our vision of creating a Martial Arts Association – Bushido Budo Kai.
Sensei Chappell says, “I would not been able to strive for my goals without the support of family and friends. Firstly my mum Vivienne who had to put up with her husband and boys dedicating their time to martial arts, and later my wife Claire and sons Thomas and Samuel.
“The care and understanding generated by family and friends is the atmosphere that we generate at Tora Judo Kai, Bushido Bristol and the association of clubs to which we belong Bushido Budo Kai.”
Competition achievements:
• BJA – British National Nage-No-Kata Champion 2011 (with Sensei Paul Hepburn)
• Clive Taylor Open Kata Champion 2011 (with Sensei Paul Hepburn)
• IBC Men’s Open National Champion in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007 and 2009
• BJA Plymouth Open Gold medallist 2009
Qualifications and Sports Coach UK courses attended:
• Safeguarding and Protecting Children
• Positive Behaviour Management in Sport
• NSPCC Time to Listen Workshop
• British Judo Association Instructor Award
• UKCC Level 2 Certificate in Coaching Judo
• British Judo Association Level 2 Coach
First Aid:
Emergency Life Support All Ages & Basic First Aid
DBS Check:
Enhanced disclosure
Instructor’s Insurance TL Risk Solutions Martial Guard Instructor Indemnity. BBK association and member to member insurance