3rd Dan Judo

Caroline started judo aged 13 at the Bulmershe Judo Club, under the tutelage of Sensei Bill Burnside (8th Dan Judo).
In 1990 she moved to Bristol to study Applied Biology at the University of the West of England. She joined the Bristol University Judo Club and also the Bushido Bristol Shirehampton Club, run by Sensei Dave Chappell (5th Dan Kyoshi Judo). This club became the original Tora Judo Kai Club with Dave Chappell as its Principal.
In 1999 Caroline had the opportunity to train in Japan at the Kodokan in Tokyo. Despite breaking her ribs on the second day she continued her training for 14 days in total and was singled out for additional training sessions due to her skill, heart and commitment.
In 2002 Dublin she became World Masters Gold Medallist.
DBS Check:
Enhanced disclosure Bushido Budo Kai
Instructor’s Insurance TL Risk Solutions Martial Guard Instructor Indemnity. BBK association and member-to-member insurance.